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Turkey, write journalists Nicole and Hugh Pope in this well-made
narrative history, is a land that defies easy categorization, a
melange of elements "European, Western, Eastern, Islamic,
fascistic, anarchic" that has always been something of an enigma to
outsiders. After decades of stagnation, it is now emerging as a
nation of central importance in Eurasian geopolitics, as it was in
the days of the Ottoman Empire. The authors describe the growth of
the modern Turkish state in the aftermath of World War I, when that
empire, defeated by the Allied powers, splintered into some 30
independent states. Led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and his so-called
Young Turks, the postwar state sought to curb the growth of Islamic
fundamentalism, to introduce some measure of democracy into a
formerly autocratic system, and to secure a place for Turkey in the
constellation of world powers. They were only partly successful;
Atatürk, the authors contend, "led Turkey on the path of
Westernization, but left it stranded half-way to full
democratization because, deep down, he was not a democrat." Now,
after years of military rule, the Turkish government is making
efforts both to continue that democratization and to secure
influence among the emerging Central Asian republics of the former
Soviet Union. The nation, the authors write, is now the arena of
conflict between left and right, fundamentalist and secularist,
nationalist and cosmopolitan: it stands at a crossroads both
political and historical. Westerners, they suggest, would do well
to pay closer attention to Turkish affairs, and their book is a
fine contribution toward that end. --Gregory McNamee --This text
refers to the Hardcover edition.
Nicole Pope has worked for the Red Cross in Iraq and Lebanon and
currently reports for Le Monde and international radio stations in
Turkey. Hugh Pope read Persian and Arabic at Oxford, and has
reported for the Independent, Los Angeles Times, BBC, and Reuters.
He currently runs the news bureau in Istanbul for the Wall Street
Journal. --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.
In this work, the authors offer a picture of 20th-century
Turkey and its formative past: the strengths and weaknesses of the
Ottomans, the Armenian tragedy, the Kurdish struggle, and the
controversial legacy of the brilliant but autocratic founder of the
Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. They also examine the new leaders
such as the late Turgut Ozal and Tansu Ciller, who broke taboos,
ushered in new freedoms and led their formerly introverted country
onto the international stage. Lastly, they explain how the new
Islamist-led government constitutes not a revolution but perhaps a
fresh synthesis with the past.
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- 中评(553+)
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- 内涵好书(368+)
- 目录完整(173+)
- 超值(438+)
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