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J.P. Morgan once famously remarked, 'Millionaires don't have astrologers. Billionaires do'. For modern business professionals, the idea that what's in the stars might have some bearing on the very cut-and-dried, numbers-dominated corporate environment may seem pretty 'out there'. But time and time again, the science of astrology has been shown to provide uncanny insight into timing and trends. This book examines the accomplishments of hundreds of business greats - from Walt Disney to Oprah Winfrey to Bill Gates - through the remarkable and surprising lens of astrology. "Signs of Success" gives all readers, be they astrological doubters, dilettantes, or devotees, a practical and entertaining overview of the many applications of astrology to business endeavors. This book provides an analysis of the 12 zodiac businesss personality types, and fascinatingly recounts how an understanding of the stars has affected landmark business events throughout history. Witty, wise, and practical, this delightful book shows readers that when it comes to real-world business and leadership, the sky truly is the limit.
Part one :The General Business Applications of Astrology
1 Introduction: A World of Opportunity
2 Timing: Auspicious MomentsforAction
3 Trend Forecasting: The Rhymes of the Marketplace
4 Team Building: Know Thy Colleagues, Thy Competitors, Thy Customers, Thyself
Part two The Sun Signs
5 Leadership and Sun Sign Astrology
6 Aries: The Value of Force
7 Taurus: The Value of Fixedness
8 Gemini: The Value of Hexibility
9 Cancer: The Value of Foundation
10 Leo: The Value of Hamboyance
11 Virgo: The Value of Fastidiousness
J.P. Morgan once famously remarked, 'Millionaires don't have astrologers. Billionaires do'. For modern business professionals, the idea that what's in the stars might have some bearing on the very cut-and-dried, numbers-dominated corporate environment may seem pretty 'out there'. But time and time again, the science of astrology has been shown to provide uncanny insight into timing and trends. This book examines the accomplishments of hundreds of business greats - from Walt Disney to Oprah Winfrey to Bill Gates - through the remarkable and surprising lens of astrology. "Signs of Success" gives all readers, be they astrological doubters, dilettantes, or devotees, a practical and entertaining overview of the many applications of astrology to business endeavors. This book provides an analysis of the 12 zodiac businesss personality types, and fascinatingly recounts how an understanding of the stars has affected landmark business events throughout history. Witty, wise, and practical, this delightful book shows readers that when it comes to real-world business and leadership, the sky truly is the limit.
- 体验差(186+)
- 引人入胜(341+)
- 微信读书(278+)
- 中评(550+)
- 少量广告(239+)
- 无缺页(114+)
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