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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, ECDL 2001, held in Darmstadt, Germany, in September 2001.
The 38 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 79 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on user modeling; digitization, interpretation, and annotation of documents; knowledge management; data and metadata models; integration in user communities; information retrieval and filtering; multimedia system; and multilinguality.
User Modelling
Evaluating Electronic Textbooks: A Methodology
Search Behavior in a Research-Oriented Digital Library
A Combined Phrase and Thesaurus Browser for Large Document Collections
Customizable Retrieval Functions Based on User Tasks in the Cultural Heritage Domain
Digitisation, Interpretation, and Annotation of Documents
Digital Watermark
Document Classification and Interpretation through the Inference of Logic-Based Models
The Cervantes Project: Steps to a Customizable and Interlinked On-Line Electronic Variorum Edition Supporting Scholarship
Fusion Approaches for Mappings between Heterogeneous Ontologies
Enhancing Digital Library Documents by A Posteriori Cross Linking Using XSLT
Using Copy-Detection and Text Comparison Algorithms for Cross-Referencing Multiple Editions of Literary Works
Knowledge Management I
An Architecture for Automatic Reference Linking
Disambiguating Geographic Names in a Historical Digital Library
Greenstone: A Platform for Distributed Digital Library Applications
Linking Information with Distributed Objects
Data and Metadata Models
Metadata for Digital Preservation: A Review of Recent Developments
MARIAN: Flexible Interoperability for Federated Digital Libraries
Digital Libraries: A Generic Classification and Evaluation Scheme
A Deposit for Digital Collections
Integration in User Communities
Digital Libraries in a Clinical Setting: Friend or Foe?
Interactive, Domain-Independent Identification and Summarization of Topically Related News Articles
Digital Work Environment (DWE): Using Tasks to Organize Digital Resources
Learning Spaces in Digital Libraries
Ethnography, Evaluation, and Design as Integrated Strategies: A Case Study from WES
Dynamic Models of Expert Groups to Recommend Web Documents
Information Retrieval and Filtering
Enhancing Information Retrieval in Federated Bibliographic Data Sources Using Author Network Based Stratagems
Architecture for Event-Based Retrieval from Data Streams in Digital Libraries
The Effects of the Relevance-Based Superimposition Model in Cross-Language Information Retrieval
An On-Line Document Clustering Method Based on Forgetting Factors
Knowledge Management II
Towards a Theory of Information Preservation
C-Merge: A Tool for Policy-Based Merging of Resource Classifications
Truth in the Digital Library: From Ontological to Hermeneutical Systems
Multimedia Digital Libraries
XSL-based Content Management for Multi-presentation Digital Museum Exhibitions
Iterative Design and Evaluation of a Geographic Digital Library for University Students: A Case Study of the Alexandria Digital Earth Prototype (ADEPT)
Automatically Analyzing and Organizing Music Archives
Building and Indexing a Distributed Multimedia Presentation Archive Using SMIL
Digitization, Coded Character Sets, and Optical Character Recognition for Multi-script Information Resources: The Case of the Letopis' Zhurnal'nykh Statei
Document Clustering and Language Models for System-Mediated Information Access
Research and Development of Digital Libraries in China: Major Issues and Trends
Panel 1
What's Holding Up the Development of Georeferenced DLs?
Panel 2
Open Archive Initiative, Publishers and Scientific Societies: Future of Publishing - Next Generation Publishing Models
Panel 3
Digital Library Programs: Current Status and Future Plans
Author Index
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, ECDL 2001, held in Darmstadt, Germany, in September 2001.
The 38 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 79 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on user modeling; digitization, interpretation, and annotation of documents; knowledge management; data and metadata models; integration in user communities; information retrieval and filtering; multimedia system; and multilinguality.
length: (cm)23.3 width:(cm)15.5
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