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The most beloved and respected gardening expert of the Pacific Northwest, Ciscoe Morris, entertains us with gardening stories and shares advice, information, and wisdom from a career that has spanned 45 years and is still going strong.
With heart and humor, Ciscoe Morris regales us with stories from the gardens he has tended, the wildlife he has encountered--deer, moles, rats, birds, and more--the dogs who have joined him on his travels, the secret lives of insects, and his endeavors as head gardener at Seattle University. Each story will make you smile but will also contain a nugget of gardening wisdom or a practical, helpful tip that home gardeners will be able to put to use in their own gardens.
Introduction xi
Part 1 Pruning and Haircuts 1
The Rule of Pruning and Haircuts: Know When to Stop 3
The Zen of Pruning 7
Wisteria: Prune, Prune, Prune, and Prune Some More 9
The Fourth D of Pruning Should Be Decaf 14
Take On the Tangled Mess of Forsythia 20
Pray for Your Rhododendron 24
Part 2 Wildlife: Domestic and Uninvited 29
Every Campus Needs a Pooch 31
Dogs: The Lovable Garden Pests 34
If You Can't Beat Them, Eat Them 39
Keep Bambi Out of the Garden 44
Scarecrows Are Scary 48
Mole Control: Myths and Facts 50
Feed Birds, Not Rats 56
Don't Invite Unexpected Guests into Your Compost Pile 59
Learn from Your Elders 61
Part 3 The Secret Life of Insects 65
The Epic Story of IPM at Seattle University 67
Don't Lose Your Head Over Crane Flies 76
Stick It to Flea Beetles 81
The Tempting Fruit 83
Gentle Bees, Great Fruit 89
The Bald-Faced Truth 94
Part 4 Seattle University, Never a Dull Moment 105
Don't Make a Political Statement with Horse Manure 107
Oak Tree Saga 111
Oak Tree Saga … Continued 114
Colorado Blue Spruce Belongs in Colorado 117
Hitchhike a Ride with a Tow Truck 122
I Never 'Fessed Up … and Never Will 125
Part 5 Gardening on the Home Front 131
Separate Beds 133
Money Well Spent? 136
Living Ornaments on the Christmas Tree 138
Water, Water Everywhere 140
Scoring a Petrified Stump at a Bargain Price 146
Oops: Be Careful When Placing Stone 148
Part 6 Plant Potpourri 155
Brussels Sprouts: Love 'Em or Hate 'Em 157
Grow Spuds in a Container 162
Don't Count Your Giant Pumpkins Before They're Harvested 166
Life of a Garden Writer 170
Make Your Paperwhites Tipsy 172
I Humbly Admit That I'm the Champ 174
Plant a Real Stinker 177
Part 7 Tidbits 183
A Thorny Diltmma 185
Everything, Especially Wood Chips, in Moderation 188
Alfalfa Meal: A "Swell" Fertilizer 192
Eau de Vinegar 195
Mollusk Marauders 198
Fences Make for Good Neighbors 203
Scientific Inquiry Has Its Limitations 206
Part 8 Travel Adventures 211
The Origin of Oh, La La 213
Himalayan Poppies Will Give You the Blues 216
Mystery in the Garden 220
The Naughty Norwegian Princess 224
Garden Shows Are Full of Surprises 228
The Adventures Continue 232
Index 237
Ciscoe Morris loves gardening and storytelling. He is a horticulturist and popular TV and radio host. He wrote a weekly newspaper column for 17 years, first for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer followed by the Seattle Times. His first book, Ask Ciscoe, was among the top-selling garden books nationwide. Ciscoe spent the majority of his long gardening career as director of grounds care at Seattle University where he developed a nationally recognized organic gardening program. Additionally, he has been a longtime Master Gardener, an ISA-certified arborist and a WSNLA-certified horticulturist. When he isn't speaking at events throughout the Pacific Northwest and beyond, you'll find him working in his northeast Seattle garden which has been featured in several publications. Besides gardening, he is passionate about traveling. Despite his busy schedule, he manages to find time to host garden tours all over the world.
The most beloved and respected gardening expert of the Pacific Northwest, Ciscoe Morris, entertains us with gardening stories and shares advice, information, and wisdom from a career that has spanned 45 years and is still going strong.
With heart and humor, Ciscoe Morris regales us with stories from the gardens he has tended, the wildlife he has encountered--deer, moles, rats, birds, and more--the dogs who have joined him on his travels, the secret lives of insects, and his endeavors as head gardener at Seattle University. Each story will make you smile but will also contain a nugget of gardening wisdom or a practical, helpful tip that home gardeners will be able to put to use in their own gardens.
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