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- [百度网盘 下载] Wallpaper City Guide epub格式电子书
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Wallpaper* City Guides are an exciting, stylish new concept in travel guides published by Phaidon Press and Wallpaper* magazine. Glamorous, global and affordable, the new travel guides can be acquired for only $8.95 and feature the world's greatest cities, from Barcelona to Buenos Aires, Istanbul to Sydney, London to Los Angeles.
Aimed at the design conscious traveller, the guides offer just the right amount of insider knowledge on the world's most popular cities, from where to stay and what to visit, to where you should eat, shop and be seen. Ideal for a weekend break or business travel, their discreet, pocket sized format tells you everything you need to know, giving you the inside track on what can not be found anywhere else.
The guides have been compiled by Wallpaper* magazine's international editors and travel writers who have lived in the featured cities. They provide up-to-the-minute information and authoritative advice on the hottest of venues in the coolest of cities. Each guide will be updated annually to ensure they remain the authoritative `last word' on the city concerned.
The guides are divided into sections on Landmarks, Hotels, 24 Hours, Urban Life, Architour, Shopping, Sports and Spas, and Escapes. In addition, each one features a local resident recommending their own favourite places to visit in that city and sharing their insider knowledge. Maps and aerial photography are included for easy navigation and orientation and there is even a notebook to record personal discoveries and recommendations. Each section is subtly tabbed with a different color to make it easy for you to find the information you need.
Wallpaper* City Guides are the result of a dynamic, joint publishing partnership between Wallpaper* magazine and Phaidon Press.
Whether you are indulging in long weekend and want to know which room to book in which hotel, or have a free afternoon on a business trip and would love to escape and explore, the Wallpaper* City Guides offer a stylish and original alternative. The complete list of launch cities includes Amsterdam, Bangkok, Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Copenhagen, Istanbul, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Mexico City, Milan, New York, Paris, Rome, Rio de Janeiro, Shanghai, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney and Tokyo.
Wallpaper* City Guides are an exciting, stylish new concept in travel guides published by Phaidon Press and Wallpaper* magazine. Glamorous, global and affordable, the new travel guides can be acquired for only $8.95 and feature the world's greatest cities, from Barcelona to Buenos Aires, Istanbul to Sydney, London to Los Angeles.
Aimed at the design conscious traveller, the guides offer just the right amount of insider knowledge on the world's most popular cities, from where to stay and what to visit, to where you should eat, shop and be seen. Ideal for a weekend break or business travel, their discreet, pocket sized format tells you everything you need to know, giving you the inside track on what can not be found anywhere else.
The guides have been compiled by Wallpaper* magazine's international editors and travel writers who have lived in the featured cities. They provide up-to-the-minute information and authoritative advice on the hottest of venues in the coolest of cities. Each guide will be updated annually to ensure they remain the authoritative `last word' on the city concerned.
The guides are divided into sections on Landmarks, Hotels, 24 Hours, Urban Life, Architour, Shopping, Sports and Spas, and Escapes. In addition, each one features a local resident recommending their own favourite places to visit in that city and sharing their insider knowledge. Maps and aerial photography are included for easy navigation and orientation and there is even a notebook to record personal discoveries and recommendations. Each section is subtly tabbed with a different color to make it easy for you to find the information you need.
Wallpaper* City Guides are the result of a dynamic, joint publishing partnership between Wallpaper* magazine and Phaidon Press.
Whether you are indulging in long weekend and want to know which room to book in which hotel, or have a free afternoon on a business trip and would love to escape and explore, the Wallpaper* City Guides offer a stylish and original alternative. The complete list of launch cities includes Amsterdam, Bangkok, Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Copenhagen, Istanbul, London, Los Angeles, Madrid, Mexico City, Milan, New York, Paris, Rome, Rio de Janeiro, Shanghai, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney and Tokyo.
- 图文清晰(647+)
- 图书多(598+)
- 速度快(644+)
- 一般般(211+)
- 小说多(409+)
- 差评少(66+)
- azw3(163+)
- 体验满分(159+)
- 章节完整(160+)
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( 2025-03-09 11:37:26 )
网友 訾***雰:
( 2025-02-26 17:07:27 )
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( 2025-02-28 10:58:35 )
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( 2025-03-06 17:23:20 )
网友 薛***玉:
( 2025-02-27 23:00:12 )
网友 后***之:
( 2025-02-24 12:58:40 )
强烈推荐!无论下载速度还是书籍内容都没话说 真的很良心!
网友 师***怡:
( 2025-02-27 00:52:52 )
网友 谢***灵:
( 2025-03-13 14:09:02 )
网友 沈***松:
( 2025-03-10 02:42:04 )
网友 通***蕊:
( 2025-03-12 13:22:20 )
网友 孙***美:
( 2025-03-05 09:13:19 )
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