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An introductory text and reference on mining engineering
highlighting the latest in mining technology
Introductory Mining Engineering outlines the role of the mining
engineer throughout the life of a mine, including prospecting for
the deposit, determining the site's value, developing the mine,
extracting the mineral values, and reclaiming the land afterward.
This Second Edition is written with a focus on
sustainability-managing land to meet the economic and environmental
needs of the present while enhancing its ability to also meet the
needs of future generations. Coverage includes aboveground and
underground methods of mining for a wide range of substances,
including metals, nonmetals, and fuels.
Completely up to date, this book presents the latest information on
such technologies as remote sensing, GPS, geophysical surveying,
and mineral deposit evaluation, as well as continuous integrated
mining operations and autonomous trucks. Also included is new
information on landscape restoration, regional planning, wetlands
protection, subsidence mitigation, and much more.
New chapters include coverage of:
* Environmental responsibilities
* Regulations
* Health and safety issues
Generously supplemented with more than 200 photographs, drawings,
and tables, Introductory Mining Engineering, Second Edition is an
indispensable book for mining engineering students and a
comprehensive reference for professionals.
Introduction to Mining.
Mining and Its Consequences.
Stages of Mining: Prospecting and Exploration.
Stages of Mining: Development and Exploitation.
Unit Operations of Mining.
Surface Mine Development.
Surface Mining: Mechanical Extraction Methods.
Surface Mining: Aqueous Extraction Methods.
Underground Mine Development.
Underground Mining: Unsupported Methods.
Underground Mining: Supported Methods.
Underground Mining: Caving Methods.
Novel Methods and Technology.
Summary of Mining Methods and Their Selection.
Appendix: Conversion Table, English to Metric Units (SI, or
International System) Useful in Mining Engineering.
Answers to Selected Problems.
HOWARD L. HARTMAN, PhD, was Drummond Chair and professor of
Mining Engineering at the University of Alabama in
JAN M. MUTMANSKY, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Mining Engineering
at Pennsylvania State University in University Park. The authors
also coauthored Mine Ventilation and Air Conditioning, Third
Edition (with R. V. Ramani and Y. J. Wang), published by Wiley.
From the Back Cover
An introductory text and reference on mining engineering
highlighting the latest in mining technology
Introductory Mining Engineering outlines the role of the mining
engineer throughout the life of a mine, including prospecting for
the deposit, determining the site’s value, developing the mine,
extracting the mineral values, and reclaiming the land afterward.
This Second Edition is written with a focus on
sustainability–managing land to meet the economic and environmental
needs of the present while enhancing its ability to also meet the
needs of future generations. Coverage includes aboveground and
underground methods of mining for a wide range of substances,
including metals, nonmetals, and fuels.
Completely up to date, this book presents the latest information
on such technologies as remote sensing, GPS, geophysical surveying,
and mineral deposit evaluation, as well as continuous integrated
mining operations and autonomous trucks. Also included is new
information on landscape restoration, regional planning, wetlands
protection, subsidence mitigation, and much more.
New chapters include coverage of:
Environmental responsibilities
Health and safety issues
Generously supplemented with more than 200 photographs,
drawings, and tables, Introductory Mining Engineering, Second
Edition is an indispensable book for mining engineering students
and a comprehensive reference for professionals.
An introductory text and reference on mining engineering highlighting the latest in mining technology
Introductory Mining Engineering outlines the role of the mining engineer throughout the life of a mine, including prospecting for the deposit, determining the site's value, developing the mine, extracting the mineral values, and reclaiming the land afterward. This Second Edition is written with a focus on sustainability-managing land to meet the economic and environmental needs of the present while enhancing its ability to also meet the needs of future generations. Coverage includes aboveground and underground methods of mining for a wide range of substances, including metals, nonmetals, and fuels.
Completely up to date, this book presents the latest information on such technologies as remote sensing, GPS, geophysical surveying, and mineral deposit evaluation, as well as continuous integrated mining operations and autonomous trucks. Also included is new information on landscape restoration, regional planning, wetlands protection, subsidence mitigation, and much more.
New chapters include coverage of:
* Environmental responsibilities
* Regulations
* Health and safety issues
Generously supplemented with more than 200 photographs, drawings, and tables, Introductory Mining Engineering, Second Edition is an indispensable book for mining engineering students and a comprehensive reference for professionals.
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- 内涵好书(164+)
- 可以购买(599+)
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