2016年美国的人权纪录(汉英) 在线 lit 下载 kindle 免费 pdf docx 电子版 txt

Foreword导言I. Serious Infringement on Right to Life, Personal Security一、生命人身权利受到严重侵犯II. Political Rights Undermined二、政治权利遭到践踏III. Grim Living Conditions of Low- and Middle-income Americans三、中低收入群体生活状况堪忧IV. Racial Discrimination Worsened四、种族歧视愈演愈烈V. Women, Children, Elders’ Rights Lack Proper Protection五、妇女儿童老年人权利缺乏应有保障VI. Gross Violations of Human Rights in Other Countries六、粗暴侵犯他国人权Chronology of Human Rights Violations of the United States in 2016附录:2016年美国侵犯人权事记
一、生命人身权利受到严重侵犯 2016年,美国政府枪支管控不力,执法部门滥用权力,犯罪得不到有效遏制,公民权利特别是生命权利受到严重威胁,人身权利持续受到侵犯。 案件持续高发。美国联邦调查局2016年9月26日发布的统计数据显示,在2015年的暴力犯罪中,71.5%的谋杀案、40.8%的抢劫案和24.2%的严重暴力伤害案中使用了枪支。(注19)据美国枪支暴力档案室发布的《2016年枪支暴力伤亡统计》,全年共发生枪击事件58125起,其中大的枪击事件385起,共造成15039人死亡,30589人受伤。(注20) 2016年6月12日,一名持枪者在奥兰多一家夜总会内开枪,造成50人死亡,53人受伤,这是美国历史上发生的严重的枪击事件。(注21) 犯罪率激增。据美国联邦调查局2016年发布的《2015年美国犯罪报告》,2015年美国共发生1197704起暴力犯罪,较2014年增加3.9%;平均每十万居民中发生372.6起,较2014年增长3.1%。在全部暴力犯罪案件中,严重暴力伤害案占63.8%,抢劫案占27.3%,强奸案占7.5%,谋杀案占1.3%。共发生7993631起财产犯罪,被害人因财产犯罪(不包括纵火)而遭受的损失合计143亿美元。(注22)据美国市场研究公司网站发布的数据,2015年美国50个州被谋杀和非过失杀害的人数为15696人。(注23)英国《每日邮报》网站2016年7月26日报道,2016年上半年美国51个主要城市谋杀案数量同比增长15%,其中芝加哥的谋杀案件同比增长48%。(注24)时任白宫新闻秘书乔什•厄内斯特指出,一些城市“正在经历一波令人不安的暴力犯罪浪潮”,(注25)美国总统也曾表示“犯罪正在失控并且急速恶化”。(注26)仇恨犯罪增多。据美国联邦调查局2016年公布的《2015年仇恨犯罪统计》,2015年执法部门共上报由种族、族群、血统、宗教、性取向、残疾、性别和性别认同偏见导致的犯罪案件5850起,尚未定罪或不定罪的违法案件6885起。(注27) 警察滥用执法权力。美国联邦调查局2015年犯罪报告数据显示,当年美国执法部门共实施10797088次逮捕,逮捕率为每十万居民3363人。(注28)美国警察在执法中滥用枪支现象非常严重。2015年6月1日至2016年3月31日,共发生1348起因逮捕而造成的死亡,平均每月发生135起。(注29)2016年共有963人被警察枪杀。(注30)《华盛顿邮报》报道,截至2016年7月8日,被美国警方枪杀的509人中,至少有124人是精神疾病患者。(注31)警察滥用职权枪杀平民却极少被追究刑事责任,每年有大约1000名平民被警察射杀,但2005年至2016年只有77名警察因此而被指控犯有过失杀人罪或谋杀罪。(注32) 监禁率居高不下。据美国市场研究公司2016年4月发布的数据,美国是世界上监禁率第二高的国家,每十万居民中有693人被监禁,2014年美国的在押犯人约为220万人,(注33)美国全国受过监禁的人数达到7000万人,占成年人的三分之一。(注34)亚拉巴马州监狱设计总容量为1.3万人,目前关押2.8万人,负载已超过一倍多。服刑者健康没有保障,肺结核、皮肤病相互传染。(注35)《华盛顿邮报》网站2016年11月28日报道,两名洛杉矶警员因殴打一名精神病囚犯并伪造记录掩盖其虐囚行为而被判监禁。(注36)《华盛顿邮报》网站2016年12月19日报道,洛杉矶警察局警察殴打和虐待囚犯,该警察局局长阻碍联邦部门开展调查,终该警局20名成员被定罪。(注37)《华盛顿邮报》网站2016年12月2日报道,在纽约市赖克斯岛监狱的一名警卫“野蛮地”将一名生病的犯人踢死。(注38)监狱内死亡事件不断攀升。据美国联邦司法统计局2016年12月公布的数据,2001年至2014年,共发生50785起囚犯死亡事件。2014年美国联邦监狱和州监狱中共发生3927起囚犯死亡事件,是监狱死亡报告项目2001年实施以来报告的数值。自杀是地方监狱死亡的首要原因,2014年共发生372起,比2013年增加13%。在州监狱,自杀死亡人数呈现连续增长之势,2013-2014年间增长了30%。(注39)I. Serious Infringement on Right to Life, Personal SecurityIn 2016, the U.S. government exercised no effective control over guns, law enforcement departments abused their power, and crimes were not effectively contained. As a result, civil rights, especially the right to life, were seriously threatened and people’s personal rights were continuously infringed upon.Occurrence of gun-related crimes sustained a high level. According to data released by the FBI on September 26, 2016, firearms were used in 71.5 percent of the nation’s murders, 40.8 percent of robberies, and 24.2 percent of aggravated assaults in 2015 (ucr.fbi.gov, September 26, 2016). According to a toll report by the Gun Violence Archive, there were a total of 58,125 gun violence incidents, including 385 mass shootings, in the United States in 2016, leaving 15,039 killed and 30,589 injured (www.gunviolencearchive.org, December 31, 2016). On June 12, 2016, a gunman opened fire inside a crowded nightclub in Orlando, killing 50 people and injuring 53 others in a rampage that was the deadliest mass shooting in the country’s history (www.washingtonpost.com, June 12, 2016).The crime rate shot up. According to the report “Crime in the United States” released by the FBI in 2016, there were an estimated 1,197,704 violent crimes committed around the nation in 2015, up 3.9 percent from the previous year. The estimated rate of violent crime was 372.6 offenses per 100,000 inhabitants, an increase of 3.1 percent compared with the 2014 rate. Among the 2015 violent crime total, 63.8 percent were aggravated assaults, 27.3 percent were robberies, 7.5 percent rapes and 1.3 percent murders. Nationwide, there were an estimated 7,993,631 property crimes, with the victims of such crimes suffering losses calculated at an estimated 14.3 billion U.S. dollars (ucr.fbi.gov). In 2015, an estimated 15,696 cases of murder and non-negligent manslaughter occurred nationwide, according to data released by Statista (www.statista.com). The United Kingdom’s Daily Mail website reported on July 26, 2016 that homicides in 51 major U.S. cities in the first half of last year were up a startling 15 percent, and the homicide rate in Chicago was up 48 percent year on year (www.dailymail.co.uk, July 26, 2016). Josh Earnest, then the White House press secretary, pointed out that it was a problem that some cities “are experiencing a troubling surge in violent crime” (www.washingtonpost.com, May 14, 2016). The U.S. president also admitted that “crime is out of control, and rapidly getting worse” (www.dailymail.co.uk, July 26, 2016). Hate crime cases also surged. According to Hate Crime Statistics, 2015 released by the FBI, law enforcement agencies submitted incident reports involving 5,850 criminal incidents and 6,885 related offenses as being motivated by bias toward race, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, sexual orientation, disability, gender, and gender identity in 2015 (www.fbi.gov, November 14, 2016).Police abused their law enforcement power. According to the crime data released by the FBI, law enforcement made an estimated 10,797,088 arrests in 2015 nationwide. The estimated arrest rate for the United States in 2015 was 3,363 arrests per 100,000 inhabitants (ucr.fbi.gov). Gun abuse was serious among the U.S. police during law enforcement. Media reviews identified 1,348 potential arrest-related deaths in the United States from June 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016, an average of 135 deaths per month (www.bjs.gov, December 22, 2016). A total of 963 people were shot and killed by police in 2016 (github.com/washingtonpost/data-police-shootings). According to a report by the Washington Post, as of July 8, 2016, of the 509 killed by U.S. police in that year at least 124 were thought to be suffering from mental illness (www.statista.com, July 8, 2016). Police officers who kill civilians rarely face criminal charges. About 1,000 civilians are killed by police each year, but only 77 officers have been charged with manslaughter or murder in connection with those deaths between 2005 and 2016 (www.washingtonpost.com, October 19, 2016).The incarceration rate remained high. According to data released by a U.S. market research firm in April 2016, the United States had the second highest prisoner rate, with 693 prisoners per 100,000 of the national population. Roughly 2.2 million people were incarcerated in the United States in 2014. (www.statista.com, April 2016) There had been 70 million Americans incarcerated – that’s almost one in three adults – with some form of criminal record (harvardlawreview.org, January 5, 2017). Only designed to hold about 13,000 people in total, the U.S. Alabama’s prisons now housed 28,000 prisoners, more than doubling the designed capacity. The health of inmates cannot be safeguarded and infectious diseases including tuberculosis and dermatosis were easily transmitted from one to another. (apr.org, December 16, 2016) The website of Washington Post reported on November 28, 2016 that two policemen were imprisoned for beating a mentally-ill inmate and forging records to cover up their prisoner abuse (www.washingtonpost.com, November 28, 2016). According to a report of the Washington Post website on December 19, 2016, guards at the Los Angeles County Sherriff’s Department had beaten and abused in mates. Its former head thwarted a federal investigation into the beatings and other abuses at the Los Angeles County jail system he ran. The probe led to convictions of 20 members of the Sheriff’s department (www.washingtonpost.com, December 19, 2016). The Washington Post reported on its website on December 2, 2016 that a guard at New York City’s jail complex Rikers Island “savagely” kicked an ailing inmate to death (www.washingtonpost.com, December 2, 2016). In-prison deaths continued to increase. According to data released by the Bureau of Justice Statistics in December 2016, between 2001 and 2014, there were 50,785 inmate deaths in the United States. In 2014, there were 3,927 inmate deaths in state and federal prisons. This is the largest number of inmate deaths reported since the Deaths in Custody Reporting Program (DCRP) began collecting data in 2001. Suicide was the leading cause of death in local jails. There were 372 suicides in 2014, up 13 percent from 2013. The number of suicides in state prisons increased by 30 percent from 2013 to 2014 (www.bjs.gov, December 2016).
当地时间3月3日,美国国务院发布《2016年国别人权报告》,继续以“人权裁判官”自居,挥舞“人权大棒”,对世界各国人权状况品头论足、横加指责,而对美国自身存在的严重人权问题则全然不顾。人们不禁要问,2016年美国的人权状况到底如何呢?事实说明,2016年美国的人权状况在一些重要方面继续呈恶化趋势。“自由女神”背后不绝于耳的枪声,愈演愈烈的种族歧视问题,以及金钱政治主导下的选举闹剧,使自诩的“人权卫士”以自己的行为戳穿了其编造的人权“神话”。 ——犯罪持续高发,监禁率居高不下。全年共发生枪击事件58125起,其中大的枪击事件385起,共造成15039人死亡,30589人受伤,死伤惨重。(注1)美国监禁率居世界第二,每10万居民中有693人被监禁,(注2)受过监禁的人数高达7000万,占成年人的三分之一。(注3) ——贫富差距不断扩大,中低收入群体生活状况堪忧。2016年,美国成年人全职工作比例创1983年以来水平。(注4)过去30年将近70%的收入流入到富有的10%的人的腰包,(注5)中产阶级规模出现拐点式萎缩。4500万贫困人口生活困难,(注6)七分之一的美国人生活在贫困线以下。(注7)预期寿命20多年来首次出现总体下降,平均寿命从78.9岁下降到78.8岁。(注8) ——种族主义持续存在,种族关系日趋恶化。2016年,联合国人权理事会非洲裔问题专家工作组向联合国人权理事会提交正式调查报告,称美国国内种族问题严重,没有解决好殖民历史、奴隶制、种族隔离、种族不平等和种族恐怖主义等问题。警察枪杀使人联想起过去奴隶制私刑处死的种族恐怖主义行为,美国正面临一场“人权危机”。(注9) ——妇女儿童老年人权利保障状况未见改善,弱势群体权利受到严重侵犯。女性收入大幅低于男性,纽约市公共部门的性别薪资差距达18%,(注10)加利福尼亚州薪酬等于或低于工资的劳工六成是妇女。(注11)性骚扰、性侵犯事件频发,约四分之一的女性曾在工作中受到过性骚扰,(注12)近两成年轻女性在大学四年期间遭到过性侵犯。(注13)儿童贫困率居高不下,680万名10-17岁的青少年处于食品匮乏状态。(注14)虐待老年人事件时有发生,每年约有500万老年人遭到虐待。(注15) ——侵犯他国人权现象屡有发生,肆意滥杀无辜。2014年8月8日至2016年12月19日,美国空袭伊拉克7258次,空袭叙利亚5828次,造成733起平民死亡事件,共导致4568-6127名平民死亡。(注16)2009年以来,美国无人机攻击仅在巴基斯坦、也门和索马里就造成超过800名平民伤亡。(注17)非法关押和虐待他国囚犯问题迟迟未得到解决。 ——拒绝批准核心国际人权公约,拒不接受联合国有关人权决议草案。美国至今仍未批准《经济、社会和文化权利国际公约》《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》《儿童权利公约》和《残疾人权利公约》等核心国际人权公约。在2016年第71届联合国大会期间,美国对关于“发展权”“人权与单方面强制措施”“促进建立一个民主和公平的国际秩序”“和平权利宣言”等涉及人权的决议草案投了反对票。(注18)On March 3 local time, the State Department of the United States released its country reports on human rights practices, posing once again as “the judge of human rights.” Wielding “the baton of human rights,” it pointed fingers and cast blame on the human rights situation in many countries while paying no attention to its own terrible human rights problems. People cannot help asking about the actual human rights situation of the United States in 2016. Concrete facts show that the United States saw continued deterioration in some key aspects of its existent human rights issues last year. With the gunshots lingering in people’s ears behind the Statue of Liberty, worsening racial discrimination and the election farce dominated by money politics, the self-proclaimed human rights defender has exposed its human rights “myth” with its own deeds.– The frequent occurrence of gun-related crimes led to heavy casualties and the incarceration rate remained high. There were a total of 58,125 gun violence incidents, including 385 mass shootings, in the United States in 2016, leaving 15,039 killed and 30,589 injured (www.gunviolencearchive.org, December 31, 2016). The United States had the second highest prisoner rate, with 693 prisoners per 100,000 of the national population (www.statista.com, April 2016). There had been 70 million Americans incarcerated - that’s almost one in three adults - with some form of criminal record (harvardlawreview.org, January 5, 2017).– Livelihood of middle- and low-income groups was worrisome amid widening income gap. In 2016, the proportion of adult Americans who had a full-time job hit a record low since 1983. Over the last three decades, nearly 70 percent of income ended up in the pockets of the wealthiest 10 percent. The population of U.S. middle-class registered a turning point toward contraction. Besides, one out of seven Americans remained in poverty, with life of 45 million people in strained circumstances. The average life expectancy fell from 78.9 years to 78.8 years as the United States posted a drop in overall life expectancy for the first time in over 20 years.– Racism continued to exist and racial relations worsened. In 2016, the United Nations‘ Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent reported to the United Nations Human Rights Council that racial problems were severe in the United States. The colonial history, enslavement, racial subordination and segregation, racial terrorism and racial inequality in the United States remained a serious challenge. Police killings were reminiscent of the past racial terror of lynching. The United States was undergoing a “human rights crisis” (www.un.org, August 18, 2016).– There was no improvement to the protection of rights of women, children and elders, and the vulnerable groups’ rights were seriously violated. Women were paid much less compared to their male colleagues. Women with city government jobs in New York made 18 percent less than men (www.nydailynews.com, April 11, 2016). Women comprised about 60 percent of California workers earning minimum wage or less (www.sandiegouniontribune.com, April 10, 2016). Sexual harassments and assaults took place frequently. Roughly one in four women said they have been harassed on the job (www.usatoday.com, July 7, 2016). A total of 20 percent of young women who attended college during a four-year span said they had been sexually assaulted (www.washingtonpost.com, March 5, 2016). Poverty rate among children remained high and an estimated 6.8 million people aged 10 to 17 are food insecure (www.urban.org, September 11, 2016). Cases of elder abuse happened from time to time and about 5 million older adults were subject to abuse each year (www.csmonitor.com, June 15, 2016).– The United States repeatedly trampled on human rights in other countries and willfully slaughtered innocent victims. From August 8, 2014 to December 19, 2016, the United States launched 7,258 air strikes in Iraq and 5,828 in Syria, causing 733 incidents with an estimated number of civilian deaths between 4,568 and 6,127 (airwars.org, December 19, 2016). Since 2009, the upper limit of the civilian death toll from U.S. drones stood at more than 800 people in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. (www.theguardian.com, July 1, 2016) The issue of illegal detention and torturing prisoners of other countries remained unsolved.– The United States refused to approve core international conventions on human rights and did not accept UN draft resolutions related to human rights. It still has not ratified core international human rights conventions, including the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women; the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. At the 71st General Assembly of the UN, the United States voted against draft resolutions related to human rights including “The right to development,” “Human rights and unilateral coercive measures,” “Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order,” and “Declaration on the right to peace” (www.un.org, December 19, 2016).
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