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Why trying to be the best … competing like crazy … makes you mediocre
Every few years a book—through a combination of the author’s unique voice, storytelling ability, wit, and insight—simply breaks the mold. Bill Bryson’s A Walk in the Woods is one example. Richard Feynman’s “ Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!” is another.
Now comes Youngme Moon’s Different, a book for “people who don’t read business books.” Actually, it’s more like a personal conversation with a friend who has thought deeply about how the world works … and who gets you to see that world in a completely new light.
If there is one strain of conventional wisdom pervading every company in every industry, it’s the absolute importance of “competing like crazy.” Youngme Moon’s message is simply “Get off this treadmill that’s taking you nowhere. Going tit for tat and adding features, augmentations, and gimmicks to beat the competition has the perverse result of making you like everyone else.” Different provides a highly original perspective on what it means to offer something that is meaningfully different—different in a manner that is both fundamental and comprehensive.
Youngme Moon identifies the outliers, the mavericks, the iconoclasts—the players who have thoughtfully rejected orthodoxy in favor of an approach that is more adventurous. Some are even “hostile,” almost daring you to buy what they are selling. The MINI Cooper was launched with fearless abandon: “Worried that this car is too small? Look here. It’s even smaller than you think.”
These are players that strike a genuine chord with even the most jaded consumers. In fact, almost every success story of the past two decades has been an exception to the rule. Simply go to your computer and compare AOL and Yahoo! with Google. The former pile on feature upon feature to their home pages, while Google is like an austere boutique, dominating a category filled with “extras.”
Different shows how to succeed in a world where conformity reigns…but exceptions rule.
From the Hardcover edition.
Indeed, the problem with asking consumers what they want is that not only will they ask for things they're not getting, but their requests will usually be driven by what they see being offered by the competition.
This is why, if you are looking for a compromise solution, then yes-take a poll,conduct some research,survey the people. But if you're looking for a unique solution, the last thing you should do is ask fro a vote.
There is a cost to differentiation. There is a price to be paid for excellence, if anything.
* 人们在比较系统中会本能地着力于消除差异,而不是强化这些差异。
* 增强你的优势,拉开你与竞争者的距离。
* 变化了的事物越多,保持不变的事物就越多。
* 在谈论产品进化的时候,大多数商人的目的非常明确:他们只是希望自己的产品变得更好。他们常用“产品升级”这个概念描述这一目标。通常情况下,产品升级有两种途径。 第一种是“加法升级”。把一种产品(或一种“价值呈现”)看做一系列好处,产品营销员通常会强化这些好处来改善产品。有时,他们也会强化一种已经存在的产品好处。企业采用加法升级方式的目的,就是无止境地投消费者所好。第二种是“乘法升级”。企业深谙不同的消费者有不同的偏好。因此,他们不断推出针对特定消费群体的专门产品。
* 如果把“加法升级”的过程拆分成一系列连续的动作: 1. 企业向消费者提供一种新的实惠,其产品价值得到提升。 2. 消费者感到很愉快。 3. 企业的竞争对手竞相提供匹配的产品。 4. 改进后的产品逐渐变成该类产品的行业标准。 5. 消费者的满意度重新调整,也就是说,消费者以前对新产品还非常感激,但现在已经视之为理所当然。 6. 消费预期提高,该类产品的最低标准抬高。 7. 重复步骤1。
* 无论产品之间存在什么样的差异,差异都是非常微小的。人们常说,魔鬼就藏在细节里。但太多的例子证明,商界已经沦落到这样的境地:企业非常巧妙地把无意义的细微差异包装成真正的差异。
* 莱维特鼓励企业在最不可能的地方实现差异化。他提出一种很有说服力的观点:以前被企业忽视的领域内的差异化,可以决定市场份额的得与失。
* 把故事快退看一看,还要快进看一看;后退、快进,看看去年、展望明年。试着透过“可供选择的未来可能性”的镜头去预测市场。
* 营销就是企业努力使消费者对消费品变得挑剔的过程。当然,这个过程需要一系列复杂的商业策略,但其目的...
Why trying to be the best … competing like crazy … makes you mediocre
Every few years a book—through a combination of the author’s unique voice, storytelling ability, wit, and insight—simply breaks the mold. Bill Bryson’s A Walk in the Woods is one example. Richard Feynman’s “ Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!” is another.
Now comes Youngme Moon’s Different, a book for “people who don’t read business books.” Actually, it’s more like a personal conversation with a friend who has thought deeply about how the world works … and who gets you to see that world in a completely new light.
If there is one strain of conventional wisdom pervading every company in every industry, it’s the absolute importance of “competing like crazy.” Youngme Moon’s message is simply “Get off this treadmill that’s taking you nowhere. Going tit for tat and adding features, augmentations, and gimmicks to beat the competition has the perverse result of making you like everyone else.” Different provides a highly original perspective on what it means to offer something that is meaningfully different—different in a manner that is both fundamental and comprehensive.
Youngme Moon identifies the outliers, the mavericks, the iconoclasts—the players who have thoughtfully rejected orthodoxy in favor of an approach that is more adventurous. Some are even “hostile,” almost daring you to buy what they are selling. The MINI Cooper was launched with fearless abandon: “Worried that this car is too small? Look here. It’s even smaller than you think.”
These are players that strike a genuine chord with even the most jaded consumers. In fact, almost every success story of the past two decades has been an exception to the rule. Simply go to your computer and compare AOL and Yahoo! with Google. The former pile on feature upon feature to their home pages, while Google is like an austere boutique, dominating a category filled with “extras.”
Different shows how to succeed in a world where conformity reigns…but exceptions rule.
From the Hardcover edition.
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